
  • Projekteiter: Patrik Schumacher
  • Projektteam: Robert Neumayr, Daniel Bolojan, Josip Bajcer, Bogdan Zaha.
  • Weitere Beitragende: Mathias Fuchs, Tyson Hosmer, Soungmin Yu, Sobitha Ravichandran.
  • Kooperationen: Zaha Hadid Architects London, Architectural Association Design Research Lab, London.
  • Anbindung: Institute of Architecture, University of Applied Arts Vienna.
  • Förderstelle: PEEK – FWF. Der Wissenschaftsfonds.


Architecture and urbanism order social processes via their semantic associations as much as via physical separation and connection. The built environment functions through its visual appearance, via its legibility and its related capacity to frame and prime communication. As a communicative frame, a designed space is itself a communication as premise for all communications that take place within its territory. In a conventional design process, every designer adapts to and intervenes intuitively within a spontaneous and historically evolving semiological system. The aim of agent based parametric semiology is it to move from an intuitive participation within an evolving semiosis to an explicit design agenda that understands the contemporary design process as an opportunity to design a new, coherent system of signification without relying on the familiar codes found in the existing built environments. To operationalize the semantic layer within the design process the research proposes to develop agent based life process simulations. The semiological code is defined in terms of the agents’ behavioural rules when interacting with environmental features. This is the most original innovation within the proposed research project. The aim of the research project is to develop new computational simulation capacities and thus a new approach to architectural design that better engages with the opportunities and challenges of today's networked society. This research project is thus at the same time an artistic project, a form of research by design.